Fuel Depot Question
last edited Jan 09 2016 by Richard Bradley Created by Rebecca Lenox. Other contributors: Richard Bradley Short description: This is a shell for the Fuel Depot Question from the AP CSA 2011 Free ResponseFull description: Students should complete the two methods in the Fuel Depot question and can check the logic using this shell. Uses an ArrayList of tanks and they need to access the instance variable that has the fuel level. They need to find the lowest tank and pass that index to the filler robot so he can move to that location. Level: (Intermediate) Duration: Students should be able to write out the methods and then go check them in a class period worth of time. Teaches: Practice using ArrayList methods, conditionals,using accessor methods outside a class for instance variable information, and using methods provided for class objects. -RB added additional moveToLocation implementations that show progression towards AP CS A learning objective: Truth Tables & Nested logical condition testing. (+ XOR) also corrected typos from post.
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