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    Greenfoot BookScenarios into Eclipse IDE
    last edited Aug 21 2018 by Francisco Guerra

    Created by Francisco Guerra. Other contributors:

    Short description:

    Eclipse Project in ZIP format for each scenario described in the Greenfoot Book

    Full description:

    The repository:

    contains an Eclipse Project in ZIP format for each scenario described in the book “Introduction to Programming with Greenfoot” (Second edition) by Michael Kölling. ISBN: 013405429.

    Every eclipse project duplicates several directories and files to facilitate its execution by means of two tools: GREENFOOT and ECLIPSE.

    The main goal of this duplication is to facilitate teaching using the advantages of each tool: the main advantage of GREENFOOT is simplicity of use, and the main advantage of ECLIPSE is to become familiar with Test Driven Development (TDD).

    There are two run configurations:

    • GreenfootScenarioMain (to run with ECLIPSE), and

    • RunGreenfootFromEclipse (to run with GREENFOOT).

    Eclipse does not know Greenfoot and therefore does not immediately detect the changes Greenfoot makes. So it’s very important to press F5 when Greenfoot IDE ends and we go back to Eclipse IDE.

    There are two additional repositories to program using Greenfoot + Eclipse + junit + git, which each includes a pdf explaining how to combine these tools:



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    doc EclipseProjectsOfGreenfootBookScenarios.pptx
    Slides presentation showing how to import and manage any scenario of Greenfoot Book with Eclipse IDE. (downloads: 20)

    doc ImportingLittle-CrabVersionsFromGit.pptx
    Slides presentation showing how to import and navigate the branches of the local and remote repository. (downloads: 11)

    doc CreatingOurGreenfootProjectInEclipse.pptx
    Slides presentation showing how to import an empty template and how to fill it in order to obtain a new scenario that we can execute with Greenfoot within Eclipse. (downloads: 10)

    Download All
    Total downloads for all files (including previous versions): 74


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